For 1 to 6 players with various gaming options (the dashboard).
The players can choose one or several circuits among the 17 world championship official circuits (in the circuits page).
The players must draw by lot with the dice "dice options" to choose their option in the game (ex : V8-RF, V8-RR, V8-FM, etc...).
The dashboard includes :
-A steering-wheel with the possibility to choose the type of tyres (T- soft or D - hard).
-A random dice with several options of throttle or brake
-A counter for the number of laps completed.
The circuit includes :
-6 small F1 of various colour (a click to catch it , move it, position it and to drop it and use the specific letters to pivot it to the right or to the left (ex : red F1 = t for the left + y for the right).
-The trajectory ,the players must imperatively follow the trace of the trajectory (black or grey line).
-The displayed speed on the circuit , the players must imperatively respect all the displayed speed in the affected turns.
-A chronometer for a qualifying lap
V8-RR ( de 0 à 360 km/h )
V8-RF ( de 0 à 330 km/h )
V8-FF ( de 0 à 300 km/h )
V8-RM ( de 0 à 300 km/h )
V8-FM ( de 0 à 270 km/h )
V8-MM ( de 0 à 240 km/h )
The players must choose their tyres type option between T-soft or D-hard tyres before every race start and every time they go to the pit.
The T-soft tyres must go to the pit in maximum every 5 laps and authorise a speed of + 30km/h on the compartments (squares on the circuit) bordering on (compartments called out of trajectory) the compartment speed limit.
The D-hard tyres must go to the pit in maximum every 7 laps but doesn’t authorise any speed over the displayed speed limit.
Maximum 30 laps
The players determine the number of laps that they wish to do and each players must note this number of laps they have chosen and put that number on their own counters and must reduce by one every time that they cross the starting line.
THE DICE (throttle or brake)
The players will find (under the steering-wheel and depending on the choice of the dice options steering-wheel) at random dice corresponding to their option.
On the blue dice (R) there are only the numbers 4 , 5 or 6
On the red dice (F) there are only the numbers 3 , 4 or 5
On the grey dice (M) there are only the numbers 2 , 3 or 4
A point of a dice corresponds always to a speed of 30 km/h and one of the compartments on the circuit.
The players can choose in throttle mode or in brake mode to use one of the both right or left dice (chassis or motor) for a small or middle throttle or for a small or middle brake, they can also be used to choose them both at the same time (chassis + motor ) for a maximum throttle or brake.
The stabilized speed : only if the players cannot use any of their dice, they keep the same speed and the same number of compartments corresponding to the speed displayed on their steering-wheel (ex: speed 150 km/h = 5 compartments).
The players must use the random penalties cards depending on the speed at which players pass on the displayed compartment speed limit.
If the speed is + 30 km/h = small penalties click on the 30 km/h card and do your penalty.
If the speed is + 60 km/h = middle penalties click on the 60 km/h card and do your penalty.
If the speed is + 90km/h = strong penalities click on the 90 km/h card and do your penalty.
The players can choose between two options of different tyres the T-soft and the D-hard in the first pit stop the players open the tyres card and click on the card corresponding to their chosen option that will have for effect to eliminate this card and they will do that at every pit stop, the tyres card board will be opened all over the race and will be closed at the end of the race, the players dispose of a maximum of 4 cards T or D for all of the time of the race.
Each player in turn position their F1 on the starting line and start the qualifying lap, the player must use his dice option and must start the chronometer and this until he crosses the starting line, this time will determine his position on the starting grid and his game order to play.
The players put their F1 on the starting grid as the qualifying time determinate it, then in turn order play at choice one of their dice possibility, display the speed on the steering-wheel and move their F1 of the number of compartments on the circuit in relation to the dice played (ex: dice = 5 so speed = 150km/h the player goes on of 5 compartments on the circuit). And this until the end of the race.